
Local Food Connections Workshop: Register Now!

Local Food Connections Workshop

Register Now!!
Get excited for this great upcoming event!  
Network and learn with farmers, chefs, locavores, and others to make local food production, marketing, and purchasing connections.

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sedgwick County Extension Center
21st & Ridge Road, Wichita, KS
 Local producers, grocers, restaurateurs, institutional food buyers, other food businesses, and locavores (supporters of local food) are invited to attend this day long event that will focus on networking, and building marketing skills and business relationships.
See full schedule below! 

$25 -  Our Local Food Members   
$35-  Non-Members
Includes a local food lunch!

Register online by November 7, 2012

Help us spread the word!  Click Here for a flyer.

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